Is it normal to cry in my first therapy session?

The decision to seek therapy can be a difficult one, and the first session can be filled with a range of emotions. It is not uncommon for individuals to feel nervous, anxious, or even scared before their first therapy session. However, one emotion that often surprises people is the urge to cry.

In this article, we will explore the question, “Is it normal to cry during the first therapy session?” and discuss the potential reasons behind this emotional response.

Why Do People Cry During Therapy?

Emotional Release During Therapeutic Session

Person crying

by Simon Berger (

One of the main reasons people cry during therapy is because it provides a safe and supportive environment for emotional release. Many individuals may have been holding onto pent-up emotions for a long time, and therapy can be the first time they feel comfortable enough to let those emotions out.

Therapy sessions can be emotionally charged, as individuals are encouraged to open up and share their deepest thoughts and feelings. This can lead to a release of emotions that have been suppressed, resulting in tears.

Feeling Vulnerable

Therapy can also make individuals feel vulnerable, as they are sharing personal and intimate details of their lives with a stranger. This vulnerability can trigger an emotional response, such as crying, as a way to cope with the discomfort.

Relief and Validation: Emotional Release

For some individuals, crying during therapy can be a sign of relief and validation. Therapy can provide a safe space for individuals to express their emotions without fear of judgment. This can be a powerful experience, especially for those who have been struggling with their emotions for a long time.

Additionally, therapy can provide validation for individuals who may have been told to suppress their emotions or that their feelings are not valid. The act of crying can be a way to release these emotions and feel validated in the process.

Is It Normal to Cry During the First Therapy Session?

The short answer is yes, it is completely normal to cry during the first therapy session. In fact, it is not uncommon for individuals to cry during multiple therapy sessions.

Therapy can bring up a range of emotions, and crying is just one way that individuals may respond. It is important to remember that everyone’s therapy journey is unique, and there is no right or wrong way to feel during a session.

Potential Reasons for Crying During the First Therapy Session

Fear and Anxiety

Person feeling anxious

by Jason Blackeye (

As mentioned earlier, it is not uncommon for individuals to feel nervous or anxious before their first therapy session. This fear and anxiety can manifest in the form of tears, as the individual may be unsure of what to expect or how to open up to a stranger.

Past Trauma

For some individuals, the act of seeking therapy can bring up past traumas or painful memories. This can be overwhelming and may result in tears during the first session. It is important for therapists to create a safe and supportive environment for individuals to process these emotions.

Relief and Release

As discussed earlier, therapy can provide a safe space for individuals to release pent-up emotions. This can be a relief for some individuals, and the act of crying can be a way to release these emotions and feel a sense of release and relief.

Emotional Connection

Therapy is all about building a strong emotional connection between the therapist and the client. This connection can lead to a sense of trust and safety, which can make individuals feel comfortable enough to cry during the session.

How Can Therapists Help Clients Who Cry During Therapy?

Validate Emotions

Therapist validating emotions

by Taylor Deas-Melesh (

The first step for therapists when a client cries during therapy is to validate their emotions. This can be done by acknowledging the client’s feelings and letting them know that it is okay to cry and express their emotions.

Create a Safe Space

It is important for therapists to create a safe and supportive environment for clients to express their emotions. This can be done by ensuring confidentiality, actively listening, and providing a non-judgmental space for clients to open up.

Encourage Communication

Therapists can also encourage clients to communicate their feelings and thoughts during the session. This can help the client process their emotions and provide insight into their thought patterns and behaviors.

Offer Coping Strategies

For some individuals, crying during therapy can be overwhelming and may require coping strategies to manage the emotions. Therapists can offer techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or grounding exercises to help clients regulate their emotions.


In conclusion, it is completely normal to cry during the first therapy session. Therapy can bring up a range of emotions, and crying is just one way that individuals may respond. It is important for therapists to create a safe and supportive environment for clients to express their emotions and to validate their feelings.

If you find yourself crying during therapy, remember that it is a sign of progress and a step towards emotional healing. Embrace the process and trust in your therapist to guide you towards a healthier and happier state of mind.

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Michael Kaufman

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