Beating Procrastination

Beating procrastination especially when doing big tasks and any difficult task. This is a guide to beat procrastination and I am sure you will be able to do it. First of all, we would like to describe what is procrastination and how does it affect you in all areas of your life. Procrastination is delaying […]

Surviving The Festive Season

As the festive season is here most people indulge in drinking alcohol because of the many Thanksgiving and Christmas parties and due to peer pressure most people eat more and fail to stick to healthy eating and in order to survive the festive season with their families most start consuming more snacks which are not […]

How To Choose A Psychologist For Your Child

A child’s mental health professionals can be a parent’s best ally in helping with serious behavioral or emotional problems that may interfere with the child’s school performance, social life, and relationships. A good choice can make all the difference to your child’s well-being, especially if there are any underlying problems. As much as a child’s […]

A Parent’s Guide To Helping Your Anxious Child Or Teen

A parent can help get rid of a child’s anxiety by establishing emotional connections and using a practical guide and studying any recent behavioral differences in the child struggling with internal stress. Many parents describe their children as “tense” or “highly strung.” This does not assist the parent in finding practical and effective solutions to […]

Spotlight On Schema Therapy: For Personality Disorders & Chronic Conditions

There are a few mental health issues that appear to be unsolvable. Although therapies exist, they sometimes do not work sufficiently or have undesirable side effects. Chronic depression, personality disorders, and certain types of chronic pain are examples of this category. As a result, more study is required to discover improved treatments for these challenging-to-treat […]

Solving Relationship Conflict: The Art Of Repair

When we argue with our significant other, we often feel that the relationship is on the verge of ending. So what’s a person to do? Here’s an exercise that will help resolve and prevent nearly all conflicts in your relationships: The Art of Repair. This tool was developed by John Gottman, and in the Gottman […]

Managing Life’s Curveballs

Life often throws us curve balls, and I was reminded of this the other day as I had to deal with a flat car battery, and suddenly my plans for the day were thrown out the window and I was left scrambling! As far as emotional upheavals go this was fairly minor thankfully, but I […]

Depression – Why Aren’t Men Getting Help?

There is an old and very upsetting story about a boy bringing a basket of kittens to school and the teacher not wanting them there. The boy was so upset that he eventually killed them all, except for one which had hidden away. It is an example of how men will internalize their feelings and […]

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