Taking Care Of Children’s Mental Health

Are you constantly worried about your health? Does even the slightest new and unusual bodily sensation or symptom have you running to the doctor, sure that it must be something serious? Are you often worried that, even though you’re being told by medical professionals that everything is okay, something undetected and undiagnosed is growing inside of […]

Recovering From A Traumatic Birth

For many new mothers, giving birth is one of the most exciting times in life. After all, you’re bringing a new tiny human into the world — one that you love more than pretty much everyone else. You can’t wait to meet the little guy or gal. In the ideal world, giving birth would be […]

Mental Health And The Entertainment Industry

No doubt, the pandemic has impacted most industries. However, the entertainment industry was the first to shut down and will be the last to fully re-open. Entertainment industry workers, specifically those behind the scenes, have long experienced mental health challenges and stereotypically, haven’t easily accessed services. The pandemic has only further shed a light on individuals in the entertainment […]

What is Geriatric Psychotherapy?

Geriatric Psychotherapy is a form of therapy specifically designed to address the needs of elderly patients. It can be used to help manage a range of issues, including anxiety, depression, dementia, and pain. One of the key features of Geriatric Psychotherapy is its focus on building stronger relationships between the therapist and patient. This helps […]

How To Overcome Health Anxiety

Health anxiety is one of the most common and distressing mental health problems, with around 1 in 10 people becoming anxious about their health at some point in life. Health anxiety is when you fear for your health or that of others without justification – it’s a type of anxiety disorder. When you have health […]

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