Bad Therapy: How to Know If Your Therapist is Doing a Good or Bad Job


Hey there! I’m Michael Kaufman, the Director of Better Therapy LA. Over the years, I’ve seen my fair share of good and bad therapists. Therapy can be a game-changer for mental health and personal growth, but let’s face it—not all therapy is created equal. Sometimes, therapy can actually do more harm than good if it’s not done right. Knowing how to spot the signs of bad therapy is super important to make sure you’re getting the help you deserve. In this blog post, we’ll dive into what makes therapy effective and how to recognize when it’s not working as it should.

Quick Checklist: Is Your Therapist Doing a Good or Bad Job?

  • Do they help you set clear, achievable goals?
  • Do they show genuine empathy and understanding?
  • Do they maintain professional boundaries?
  • Do they actively listen and make you feel heard?
  • Do they provide consistent, constructive feedback?
  • Are you making progress towards your goals?
  • Do they communicate clearly and explain their methods?
  • Do they respect your needs and avoid imposing personal beliefs?
  • Do they keep your sessions consistent and respect your time?
  • Do they ensure confidentiality and trust?

If you’re answering “no” to any of these questions, it might be time to evaluate your therapy experience more closely.

Understanding Therapy

What is Therapy?

So, what exactly is therapy? It’s a collaborative process where a trained professional helps you tackle psychological issues, emotional challenges, and personal growth. It can come in many forms, like individual, group, or family therapy, and is tailored to meet your unique needs.

Types of Therapy

There are so many different types of therapy out there! Some of the common ones include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, humanistic therapy, and integrative or holistic therapy. Knowing which type you’re experiencing can help you better evaluate if it’s working for you.

Signs of Good Therapy

Clear Goals

A good therapist will help you set clear, achievable goals for your sessions. These goals give you direction and a way to measure progress, making sure your therapy is focused and productive.

Empathy and Understanding

You’ll know you’re in good hands if your therapist shows genuine empathy and understanding. They should listen to your concerns without judgment and validate your feelings, creating a safe and supportive space for you.

Professional Boundaries

Professional boundaries are a must. A good therapist respects your privacy, keeps the focus on your needs, and steers clear of any inappropriate behavior or relationships.

Active Listening

Active listening is key. Your therapist should not only hear what you’re saying but also understand and reflect on it. They’ll ask clarifying questions and make sure you feel heard and understood.

Consistent Feedback

Regular, constructive feedback is important. A good therapist will help you understand your progress and areas that need improvement, all in a supportive, non-judgmental way.

Signs of Bad Therapy

Lack of Progress

If you feel like you’re not moving forward or see no improvement over time, it might be a sign that the therapy isn’t effective. Good therapy should help you gradually progress towards your goals.

Poor Communication

Clear communication is crucial. If your therapist is often unclear, dismissive, or doesn’t explain their methods, it can really hinder your progress.

Overstepping Boundaries

Therapists should never cross professional boundaries. This includes things like engaging in dual relationships, making inappropriate personal disclosures, or trying to influence your personal decisions beyond therapeutic advice.

Judgmental Attitude

Therapy should be a judgment-free zone. If you feel judged or criticized, it can really undermine your trust and willingness to open up.

Lack of Empathy

Empathy is everything in therapy. If your therapist seems cold or indifferent, it can be really harmful to your healing process.

Inappropriate Self-Disclosure

While some personal sharing can help build rapport, too much or irrelevant self-disclosure from your therapist can make the sessions about them instead of you.

Common Examples of Bad Therapy

Ignoring Client’s Needs

A therapist who ignores or minimizes your needs isn’t doing their job. Therapy should be all about you and your goals.

Imposing Personal Beliefs

Your therapist should stay neutral and not impose their personal beliefs or values on you. Therapy should respect your individuality and perspectives.

Inconsistent Sessions

Consistency is key in therapy. If your therapist frequently cancels or reschedules, it can disrupt the process and hinder your progress.

Confidentiality Breaches

Confidentiality is the cornerstone of therapy. If your therapist shares your information without your consent, it’s a serious breach of trust.

Impacts of Bad Therapy

Emotional Distress

Bad therapy can actually make you feel worse, adding to your emotional distress and potentially creating new issues.

Worsening Symptoms

Instead of getting better, your symptoms might worsen because of ineffective or harmful therapy practices. This can lead to increased anxiety, depression, or other mental health problems.

Loss of Trust in Therapy

Experiencing bad therapy can make it hard to trust other therapists in the future, which might deter you from seeking further help.

How to Address Bad Therapy

Recognizing the Problem

The first step is acknowledging that there’s an issue. Trust your gut and evaluate whether your therapy sessions are actually helping you.

Communicating Concerns

Talk to your therapist about your concerns. A good therapist will be open to feedback and willing to adjust their approach.

Seeking a Second Opinion

If things don’t get better, it might be time to seek a second opinion. Another therapist can offer a different perspective or confirm your concerns.

Switching Therapists

Don’t be afraid to switch therapists if necessary. Your mental health is too important to stick with a therapist who isn’t a good fit.

Finding a Good Therapist

Researching Credentials

Make sure your therapist is properly credentialed and licensed. Check their educational background, certifications, and professional affiliations.

Reading Reviews

Look for reviews and testimonials to see what other clients have experienced. Consistent positive feedback is a good sign, but pay attention to any recurring concerns.

Initial Consultations

Many therapists offer initial consultations. Use this opportunity to ask questions, gauge their approach, and see if you feel comfortable with them.

Self-Assessment and Therapy

Monitoring Your Progress

Keep track of your progress and how you feel about your therapy sessions. Are you moving towards your goals? Do you feel supported and understood?

Setting Personal Goals

Set personal goals for your therapy and discuss them with your therapist. This ensures you have a shared vision and clear benchmarks for success.

FAQs About Therapy

What should I do if I think my therapist is not helping me?

If you feel your therapist isn’t helping, try discussing your concerns with them first. If there’s no improvement, consider seeking a second opinion or finding a new therapist.

How can I tell if my therapy is working?

Signs that therapy is working include progress towards your goals, feeling understood and supported, and noticing positive changes in your behavior and emotions.

What are the signs of a good therapist?

A good therapist sets clear goals, shows empathy and understanding, maintains professional boundaries, listens actively, and provides consistent feedback.

Can I switch therapists if I’m not satisfied?

Absolutely! If you’re not satisfied with your therapist, you can switch. It’s important to find a therapist who meets your needs and helps you achieve your goals.

How important are therapist credentials?

Therapist credentials are very important as they ensure the therapist is properly trained and qualified to provide mental health services.

What should I expect in my first therapy session?

In your first session, you’ll discuss why you’re seeking therapy, your goals, and any concerns you might have. It’s also a chance to get to know your therapist and see if you feel comfortable with them.


Therapy can be a powerful tool for mental health and personal growth, but it’s essential to make sure it’s effective and beneficial. By recognizing the signs of good and bad therapy, you can make informed decisions about your mental health care. Don’t hesitate to advocate for yourself and seek the best possible support on your therapeutic journey.

For more information visit these links,

If you are looking for good therapist that are professional and trained to help you feel your best, Book a session with one of our therapists.

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Michael Kaufman

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