Surviving The Festive Season

As the festive season is here most people indulge in drinking alcohol because of the many Thanksgiving and Christmas parties and due to peer pressure most people eat more and fail to stick to healthy eating and in order to survive the festive season with their families most start consuming more snacks which are not healthy for their bodies.

As the holidays get stressful people forget about their health and anxiety fills their bodies, for most they start skipping breakfast and the vegetables that they had been told it is good for their body becomes a lost cause. Party life during the holidays with the loved ones without any rest makes them hungry and they will always try to fill their hungry stomach with any kind of snack.

How to dress your food table during the Christmas season

The most important thing to do during the new year break and Christmas is to have a sense of hope and a glass of water after bed in the morning. An example of the best activity during this festive season is to keep their head high and make sure a fruit or vegetables is always on the side, as the world is changing getting enough sleep and taking a walk can save one’s health. One should be aware of a good breakfast or a supplement to stick to during the season.

A glass of water after taking dessert after one has eaten is always healthy and since during the festivities getting a gym is hard talking a walk is healthy with fruit is always advisable. Drinking water during the break after dinner or before going to sleep.

It is advisable to drink water especially for those on a weight loss journey because water is always known to have affect weight loss. Water helps in the reduction of cellulite, it helps the body to relax and for women they are known to have better periods when they drink enough water.

It is advisable that during this festive season one should eat at least five servings of fruits or vegetables a day because it is known that they are always helpful to the body and they are filled with nutrients that help the body. They also help in weight loss, detoxification of the liver, stomach health and it is advisable for pregnant women to limit their intake of fruits because they have more sugar.

He needs vegetables for his liver by eating them so he doesn’t need medications not even drugs during the festive season.

Christmas is a meal that everybody should be happy about and they should make sure to eat protein like meats and nuts and whole grains during this time because it has been known to help in losing weight.

A person can get through their busy days by drinking enough water throughout their day, also one should avoid alcohol including wine at all costs. Drinking water regularly is also known to make one be more full and this helps in weight loss because the need for snacking decreases.

Water is always an important element which needs to be taken regularly during the festive season, it helps in detoxification of the liver, skin cells are renewed every three days so when one drinks enough water their skin will be radiant.

People should look at their family health history because it is known to cause different diseases so one can know what kind of food he/she needs to avoid during the festive season.

It is advisable for people to take a walk after dinner or lunch so they are able to keep their body healthy and this keeps them and as peer pressure may force some to stop having good food and with the current challenging time meeting personal health needs during the new year and christmas season.

Diet and alcoholic drinks

Many people struggle to lose weight and during the Christmas break and any type of holiday season the stress levels force people to drink alcohol and eating a good diet is something they avoid the holiday anxiety.

In the holiday season as people have wonderful time they tend to eat less fruit salad and during the holidays energy levels gets fired up and they tend to sleep less and with holiday drinks.

Some of the tips one should be aware when they are eating during the holidays is that having more desserts helps the stomach have good bacteria in their systems .

And it’s advised that people eat more proteins so they have good blood levels.

Foods that are rich in carbohydrates create a high glucose level and this is known to cause weight gain and one should avoid foods with white flour because it has been known to have gluten. A person can get enough energy from having more fruits and vegetables, fruit salads in the festive seasons are advised because they help in weight loss, this is because it has no saturated fats.

Whole grains are known to have lower fat content and they take longer to digest therefore one can have them during lunch time or dinner before going for a walk.

Having vegetables with every meal helps the body clean itself of toxins or unwanted materials that are harmful to the body, people should have enough lemon juice throughout their festive season because it has been known to help in weight loss.

Blood pressure levels high during the festive seasons so one needs to limit their alcoholic drinks .

People should eat less sugar and salt because they make them overweight and for this reason forced them having to go to the gym.

It is important for people not to mix their drinks because they tend to feel sick and also avoid carbonated drinks as it leads to a bloated stomach .

Weight Management tips for the festive season:

a) Whole grains reduce blood sugar levels hence slow down digestion of carbs and gives more stable energy. This helps to reduce fat storage and weight gain.

b) Protein slows the digestion of carbs and this helps in a sense that you feel fuller for longer. The energy from protein tends to be long lasting too so eating enough protein during festive seasons helps to maintain an ideal body weight .

c) Vegetables are high in fiber hence take a long time for the body to digest. The absorption of nutrients from food also takes a longer time so less insulin is released in the blood, which means the body is burning fat for longer periods of time avoiding weight gain .

d) Fish and nuts are good sources of healthy fats. A small amount of these foods eaten alongside vegetables helps to slow down digestion and the movement of food through the digestive tract . This helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer and prevents weight gain.

e) Melatonin is a hormone that controls our sleep-wake cycle. The production of Melatonin increases as it gets dark which promotes sleep and decreases during the day when it becomes light, this means we feel alert and awake.

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